Why should I choose Beta Solutions as my innovation partner?
- Your success is our success - it is our passion to empower our clients with innovative solutions and technology that make a positive impact in their businesses and communities.
- Since 2008, we have designed hundreds of technical projects across many industries, both locally and internationally. Our experienced engineers have specialist knowledge and up-to-date technological know-how in electronics and PCB design, electro-mechanical design, and software design.
- Above all, we value strong working relationships with our clients, built upon mutual trust and respect, which we believe is the most critical factor of all. Therefore, it is important that our potential clients don’t engage us unless they feel safe and comfortable to do so. We suggest getting in touch with us in the first instance, so we can answer your questions and so you can ultimately ascertain if we are the right fit for your needs. “It all starts with the conversation!”
How do I share my idea without compromising my intellectual property?
- The more information you can initially share with us regarding your idea, the better equipped we will be to fully understand your requirements and design you a winning product. As it is in both of our best interests, the privacy of your idea and any privileged information you share with us will remain confidential.
- If beneficial, we may also jointly decide to supply you with our non-disclosure agreement, which will protect our mutual interests in written form.
How much will it cost?
Cost is obviously a very important factor in product design. The total cost of a new product will often be comprised of (i) R&D professional time costs, (ii) Materials costs, and (iii) Tooling/Setup costs.
How we price a job, depends on the nature/category of that particular project. For instance:
- Simple projects contain
no variables/unknowns. Hence, we will be able to issue a fixed price quote.
- Complicated projects contain
some variables/unknowns. While we may be able to provide you with a very general cost estimate, in order to understand and eliminate these variables and unknowns, we will first need to undertake a Project Scope. We will then be in a better position to issue you with the expected costs for the full project. The cost of undertaking a Project Scope will be agreed up-front.
- Complex projects contain
many variables/unknowns. Therefore, it is not possible to provide the expected full costs of these projects until later in the development. We would typically undertake these projects on an agile, hourly-rate basis, with an agreed up-front amount of hours per stage of work.
How long will it take?
New product development often involves the exciting process of creating never-before-developed entities - and each new product is unique. Some new products can be developed in as little as a month or two, while others can take a few years to fully develop, before they are ready to be commercialised.
How we scope and plan the time involved to complete a job, depends on the nature/category of that particular project. For instance:
- Simple projects contain
no variables/unknowns. Therefore, we will be able to issue a reasonably certain delivery date in the quote.
- Complicated projects contain
some variables/unknowns. Similarly as to arriving at a cost, we may be able to provide a broad time estimate, but will need to undertake a formal Project Discovery exercise, understanding and eliminating variables, in order to be in
a better position to issue you with the expected time frames for the full project. - Complex projects contain
many variables/unknowns. Hence, it is not possible to provide the expected time frame to undertake the full project until later in the development. We would typically undertake these projects on an agile, iterative basis, with an up-front agreed amount of hours (a.k.a “chunk of work”).
Considering the above, we at Beta Solutions are committed to effective communication at key project gates to keep our clients apprised of developments.
Can you also manufacture & supply my product on an ongoing basis?
Yes! The team at Beta Solutions has in-house technical resources, a trusted supply network built up over years of experience, and robust quality management processes to deliver your product on an ongoing basis as required:
- Low Volume Production - Beta Solutions has an on-premise lab that is equipped to handle rapid prototyping and small volume manufacturing - saving you time and money.
- High Volume Production - Beta Solutions offers high volume manufacturing production using our trusted network of national and international ISO9001 suppliers - ensuring on-time delivery and quality control of your product.
Can I claim R&D Tax Credits when working with Beta Solutions?
YES! Beta Solutions is an Approved Research Provider for the R&D Tax
Incentive in New Zealand for research and development (R&D) services to businesses in New Zealand.
- We are approved as an IRD approved research provider in seven different areas of research expertise across Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Geomatic Engineering, Communications Technologies, Computer Software, Computer Hardware, and Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing.
- Expenditure incurred with an approved research provider, like Beta Solutions, is not subject to the minimum threshold:
- A tax credit is only available on expenditure of $50,000 or more, unless you use an approved research provider. Thus, if your total eligible expenditure is under $50,000, you will only be able to claim your eligible expenditure in relation to an approved research provider performing R&D on your behalf. This helps to make the R&D tax credit accessible to businesses of all sizes.
- Approved research providers (provide R&D services under contract to other businesses) are research providers that have been approved by Inland Revenue (IRD).
- All Beta Solutions’ New Zealand clients can therefore claim the R&D tax credit for eligible R&D activities we performed on their behalf within the categories we are approved for.
- Contact us to discuss your project’s area of expertise and whether Beta Solutions is approved, so that you can claim R&D Tax Credits.
Do you work with clients in different locations?
YES! We have successfully partnered with both international and local clients. Beta Solutions has had the privilege of interacting with Entrepreneurs and innovative Businesses throughout New Zealand, including the main centres of Auckland, Hamilton, Bay of Plenty, Taupo, Palmerston North, Wellington, Christchurch, Queenstown, and Dunedin.
- Our clients matter to us. We believe that successful relationships yield the best outcomes.
- Based in Palmerston North, we combine face-to-face visits and various technology platforms to establish strong working relationships with our clients - no matter where they are.
- By leveraging technology, we successfully overcome communication barriers that distance may have caused.
- If we cannot hop on a plane or drive to meetings, Skype or Face Time facilitates face-to-face communication.
- From quick updates to sharing design documents, we have tried and tested platforms that enable effective interactions.
- We can establish a communication process suited to your individual needs, and that will ensure we are both up to date on the status of your project.
- See our reach across New Zealand below: